Recruitment and Selection of IT Professionals
iTechCareer RD - Recruitment Division of http://iTechCareer.com
Our services:
1. Recruiting IT (Onsite and Remote Positions)
Search and selection of personnel for the IT environment, with an extensive experience in multiplicity and variety of technical profiles. We use multiple tools, including our Employment Web (http://itechcareer.com) with more than 150,000 Resume (Systems and Telecommunications profiles), and we add a web 2.0 (Groups in Social Networks such as Linkedin and Facebook) to select and evaluate new candidates.
The Recruiting service is focused on the search, recruitment, selection, interviews and presentation to the client of the candidates with specifics IT profiles for Technical, Professional and Executive levels in Information Technologies.
IT areas where we have a database of candidates:
Software development area: Developers (.Net, Java, O or C ++, IOS, REACT, Angular, Python, C #, Node, ASP, SQL, PHP, Android, PL / SQL, etc.). In addition, Functional Analysts, Architects, Project Leaders, Development Manager, Product owner, among others.
Administrators of Operating Systems (Unix, Linux, HP-UX, AIX, etc.) Supervisor and Head of Infrastructure. Cloud Admin, Devops, Apps server admin. Linux Developers.
Admin. Networks (Lan, Wan, etc.) and IT Security SecOPs - Security Specialist, CISO Chief Security Officer, among others.
Database: DBA
IT Methodology: PM, Scrum Master, Agile Coach, BPM Developer
Profiles QA Traditional and Automation
Profiles BI, Analytics, Data mining, Machine learning. Data Visualization Dev. & Data Integration Dev.
Support and Help Desk
IT Commercial and Pre-sale Area
Systems or Technology Management. CTO.
Service description
• Survey of tasks and functions (Interview with the person in charge of the position).
• Searchs in our database and publications of the Employment Post. Headhunting.
• Preselection of Resumes based on the defined criteria.
• Contact with potential candidates and conduct individual and / or group interviews by professionals from the human resources area (with specific behavioral interviews).
• Presentation of the candidates.
• Advice on decision making.
Optional services
• Psychotechnical Test.
2. Executive Search IT
We are experts in IT Head-hunting of candidates for business management, based on our extensive network of relationships in the IT sector (from the last 20 years).
This highly confidential service is focused on the search and selection of candidates for high-level strategic and managerial positions through the identification and location of professionals who occupy a similar position in another company.
It includes the complete processes of defining the profile of the required applicant, psychotechnical evaluation (optional), coordination of outreach meetings and advice on the hiring decision.
For this, our methodology is based on two main pillars:
• A complete knowledge of the functions required for the position (technical skills and personal qualities)
• Market dominance (Wide network of contacts).
ITechCareer Team
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